Precise Parklink Inc. Annual Report – Fighting Against Forced & Child Labour
To meet the requirements of Bill S-211: Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (the “Act”)
A. Introduction
Precise Parklink Inc. (“Precise”) aims to identify and mitigate the inherent legal, financial and reputation risks that may exist in our supply chains, with respect to complying with international labour and human rights standards.
In line with the requirements of the Act, this report describes the activities of Precise, to limit the risk of using forced and child labour in our supply chains. This report covers activities from November 1, 2022 to October 31, 2023 (the “Reporting Period”).
B. Our Company
Precise is one of Canada’s largest parking solutions companies, offering services to municipalities, airports, healthcare facilities and private lot owners (“Clients”) in Canada that primarily consist of: parking equipment sales and support for gated, multi-space and electronic vehicle charging parking equipment, parking management services, remote monitoring services, parking and enforcement software service and support.
Precise revenues are primarily derived from agreements with its Clients for either of or a combination of parking software, hardware, and/or management services.
Precise is a 100% privately owned and operated Canadian corporation.
C. Our supply chains and business
Precise procures a variety of products as part of delivering its services. We recognize that forced and child labour risks could possibly exist in our supply chains, if not for tangible goods produced by direct suppliers, but for subsequent tiers down the supply chain. Based on the U.S. Department of Labor List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor, risks in our supply chains appear to be minimal.
The majority of our annual procurement of tangible goods relates to our three main product lines that we sell, rent, lease or otherwise provide to our Clients: 1) multi-space meters, 2) gated parking equipment, and 3) electronic vehicle charging equipment. Each of those purchases is from a large well-known global provider of products that acts as our sole-supplier, from Austria (gated equipment), USA (EV charging equipment), Sweden and France (multi-space meters), where protections for workers are comparable to those in Canada, and therefore the risk of forced and child labour is relatively minimal.
We consider there to be a limited risk of forced and child labour occurring in our business. Geographically, our business is located in Canada, which, according to the Global Slavery Index, has a low prevalence of forced and child labour, a low risk of vulnerability to forced and child labour, and comparatively robust governmental oversight of the issue.
D. Addressing the Possibility of forced and child labour in our supply chains and business
Due to the above-mentioned low risk of forced and child labour, and due to the decades that we have been the sole distributor for gated and multi-space parking equipment from our suppliers in Europe, Precise does not have specific policies or processes in relation to forced and child labour. Precise is not aware of any incidence of child or forced labour in its operations or supply chains. Precise has not had to take any measures to remediate any forced labour or child labour or the loss of income therefrom. We do not have a formal method of assessing the effectiveness of ensuring that forced and child labour are not being used in our business and supply chains.
Although Precise does not offer specific training to employees on forced and child labour, our employee training (which must be renewed at least once every two years) includes: health and safety, behavior and conduct, workplace violence and harassment.
To summarize, to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour at any step of the production of goods in Canada or elsewhere by Precise or of goods imported into Canada by Precise, we do the following:
Do business with suppliers in geographic parts of the world for products where the risk of forced and child labour is minimal;
Train our employees to comply with applicable federal and provincial employment standards; and
We do not hire anyone under the age of 16.
E. Approval and Attestation
This report is for Precise Parklink Inc. and has been approved by Precise’s Directors pursuant to subparagraph 11(4)(a) of the Act. In accordance with the requirements of the Act, and in particular section 11 thereof, I attest that I have reviewed the information contained in the report for the entity listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, I attest that the information in the report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
I make the above attestation in my capacity as an officer and as a director of Precise Parklink Inc. for and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Precise Parklink Inc.
I have the authority to bind Precise Parklink Inc.
Peter Groccia
Director and President of Precise Parklink Inc.
Date: May 6, 2024