Precise ParkLink & the Toronto Parks & Trees Foundation Celebrate Earth Day!
On Friday, April 22, Precise ParkLink partnered with the Toronto Parks & Trees Foundation (TPTF) to celebrate Earth Day. It was an ideal day to celebrate the preservation of Mother Nature, as the sunny day was the perfect combination with white spruce seedlings!
Supporting the TPTF’s vision for healthy urban forests, Precise ParkLink gave out 200 seedlings for all staff members to plant at home with their loved ones. Included within that total, 30 seedlings were planted on the grounds of Precise ParkLink!
In addition to the seedlings, Precise ParkLink's Earth Day event featured healthy snack packs from Toronto’s very own Mindful Snacks for employees. The day was full of fun, health and employee engagement!
Mr. Peter Groccia, Chief Executive Officer of Precise ParkLink expresses that “Precise ParkLink is happy to collaborate with its parking partners in ways beyond parking matters. As the Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation aims to increase the quality of life for Torontonians, Precise ParkLink is pleased to be able to help facilitate their goal.”
To view photos of Precise ParkLink's Earth Day event click here!
Check out the TPTF's latest news featuring Precise ParkLink!