The Harrison Council Chooses Precise ParkLink to Lead the Village Paid Parking Trial

The Village of Harrison Hot Springs in British Columbia has taken one step further in the village debate against paid parking. On Wednesday, April 27, the Harrison Council gathered to vote on which parking services provider should lead the villages paid parking trial. Precise ParkLink was voted as the most suitable.

Mayor Leo Facio of Harrison Hot Springs reminds his constituents that Precise ParkLink “is very flexible, and if advised by the village will reduce [fees] in the early or late months” reinforcing that the “Pay and Display machines are very flexible” with regard to its software.

To further ease the public concern, Precise ParkLink will be hosting a public walk-in at Memorial  Hall, where they will introduce the solar-powered Pay and Display parking meters for the proposed 209 parking spots. Precise ParkLink has also agreed to run a promotion to help the public identify any areas of concern, allowing their ambassadors to provide constructive feedback.

Moreover, Precise ParkLink will be hiring village locals to occupy some of the staff positions that will be involved in the project. The project mentioned above will include Pay and Display parking meters, Enforcement Services and Coin and Cash Collections related to the initiative.

The official trial of paid parking in the Village of Harrison Hot Springs will take place from mid-June to mid-September of 2016.

For more information on the Village of Harrison Hot Springs paid parking trial, click here.


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