Introducing Parkedin™
App-free mobile payment. Last-mile technology. An all-in-one solution
3 min read
Abhadesh Sharma, Senior Systems Engineer
Precise ParkLink
The future of mobile parking is here! Introducing Parkedin™, an app-free scan-to-pay option combined with advanced last-mile technology capabilities. Parkedin is a touchless, all-in-one parking and urban mobility solution that helps organizations like yours meet and exceed today's commute standards.
Whether it’s mobile payment ease with a simple, app-free and 3-step process, or the epitome of last-mile technology connecting customer journeys from point A to point Z, Parkedin makes customer journeys easier, safer and faster.
We sat down with Abhadesh Sharma, Senior Systems Engineer and Adamo Donatucci, Business Development and Strategy Officer here at Precise ParkLink, for an inside scoop about what this revolutionary technology has to offer, and where it’s heading.
Q: What is Parkedin? (A.SHARMA)
A: Parkedin is a touchless and contactless solution developed and offered by Precise ParkLink. The solution is two-fold: an app-free mobile payment platform as well as a dynamic management platform that can virtualize the entire customer journey from start to finish.
Q: How does Parkedin make customer journeys safer? (A.SHARMA)
A: Parkedin provides a completely touchless experience. The only device end-users are required to make contact with is their personal smartphone, tablet or computer. When customers use Parkedin, physical touchpoints are eliminated.
Q: Can you explain Parkedin’s last-mile technology configuration? (A.SHARMA)
A: Parkedin can be configured to virtualize the customer journey every step of the way. The platform is a sophisticated combination of reservation, validation, and subscriber intelligence. In this sense, Parkedin requires a mobile application providing customers one destination to manage all of their commute needs and stops along the way. It can be customized to our clients specific needs.
Q: What is the end-user experience with Parkedin’s app-free mobile payment configuration? (A.SHARMA)
A: Parkedin allows customers to pay for parking by scanning a QR code and providing credit card details using a smart device. It can be used to process payment for both gated and multi-space meter technology.
Adamo Donatucci, Business Development and Strategy Officer
Precise ParkLink
Q: What makes Parkedin’s mobile payment different to alternatives on the market? (A.DONATUCCI)
A: Parkedin mobile payment can be used without downloading anything on a smart device—not even a mobile application. It can be used by scanning a QR code, which then connects the mobile device in real-time to the parking facility and rates. Parkedin connects directly to the parking infrastructure, and as a result does not require additional hardware to enable its smart functionalities.
Parkedin can be fully integrated with both metered and gated parking technology, which to date, is the only one of it’s kind in the Canadian parking industry.
Q: Has Parkedin been deployed? (A.DONATUCCI)
A: Yes, Parkedin has been deployed and is currently being used by customers at many locations across Canada. A few include Niagara region parks, Victoria International Airport, Perley and Rideau’s Veterans Health Centre, the University of Toronto and many more.
Q: What is the vision for Parkedin? (A.DONATUCCI)
A: The development of Parkedin is and has been an ongoing endeavour. We are determined to continue enhancing the software’s capabilities in order to grow with the ever evolving market, end-user expectations, and customer needs.
With Parkedin, our customers can expect to see ongoing advancements in the virtual validation, subscriber, and reservation space. They can also expect to see hardware integrations beyond multi-space meter and gated parking technologies, but also with license plate recognition, parking guidance systems and electric vehicle charging stations. In addition to hardware integrations, Parkedin will digitize various management strategies and solutions.
Parkedin can be integrated with third party platforms and be customized to meet our customers unique needs. It is the epitome of a frictionless solution and the digitization of the parking and urban mobility industry.
Are you interested in learning more about Parkedin™? Watch the full interview below!