Stay Tuned About Precise ParkLink's H PASS Solution on LinkedIn

ATTN: Ontario Healthcare Partners

Dear Ontario Healthcare Partners & Friends,

There are 58 days remaining until the Ontario Government's Hospital Parking Directive is required to be offered to patients and visitors.  On Saturday, October 1st, 2016 Hospitals in Ontario are required to meet the Ontario Government's parking rate mandate.

Precise ParkLink has launched a private group on LinkedIn to keep all of our healthcare parking partners informed on the progress of our solution to the mandate, H PASS. The exclusive group on LinkedIn is called "Precise ParkLink's H PASS Solution". Please request to join the group to stay tuned about news on H PASS, the Ontario Government's Directive as well as the actions your fellow healthcare institutions are taking to comply with the mandate.

For your review Precise ParkLink has posted the official Ontario Government Hospital Parking Directive and a 'Q&A' on the basic requirements of the mandate on our Hospital Parking section of the web site.


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