Precise ParkLink Represents AI HUB Industry Partners at Durham College’s 2019 Academic Kickoff

Precise ParkLink had the pleasure of attending Durham College’s 2019 Academic Kickoff on Tuesday, August 27. More than 400 faculty members, students, and industry partners attended the event to mark the beginning of the upcoming 2019-20 academic school year.  

More than 400 faculty members, students, and industry partners attended Durham College’s 2019 Academic Kickoff.

More than 400 faculty members, students, and industry partners attended Durham College’s 2019 Academic Kickoff.

Elaine Popp, Vice President, Academic, began by introducing Don Lovisa, President of Durham College. Lovisa presented the event’s opening remarks.  

Elaine Popp, Vice President, Academic

Elaine Popp, Vice President, Academic

Don Lovisa, President of Durham College

Don Lovisa, President of Durham College

The day continued with keynote speaker Tom Wujec and his very insightful remarks about where artificial intelligence (AI) is headed and how it will change the future.

Guest speaker Tom Wujec, speaker, writer, executive facilitator, and technologist

Guest speaker Tom Wujec, speaker, writer, executive facilitator, and technologist

Precise ParkLink’s marketing manager, Maria Lato, had the honour of being a panelist on the AI HUB panel, and represented Durham College’s Office of Research Services, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ORSIE) industry partners. 

“Precise ParkLink is very proud to be an ORSIE industry partner,” said Lato. “Our partnership with ORSIE is going on five years, and since day one has been very beneficial and a win-win for all parties. With its endless Research and Development visions, ORSIE helps Precise ParkLink stay on track and improve the parking and urban mobility space.” 

“ORSIE’s students develop from-the-ground-up projects and show Precise ParkLink where to allocate required resources so they can be integrated into the world for internal and external use. Students get the chance to work on real-world projects that are overseen by mentors in their field, which provides the possibility of securing full-time employment once students are ready to enter the workforce.”

From left to right: Dr. Vibha Tyagi, Professor Sam Plati, Professor Danny Aniag, Maria Lato, Ramandeep Rathor

From left to right: Dr. Vibha Tyagi, Professor Sam Plati, Professor Danny Aniag, Maria Lato, Ramandeep Rathor

Precise ParkLink is proud to foster a relationship with ORSIE. And the feeling is mutual.

“Precise ParkLink’s collaboration with Durham College over the last five years has been so important in several ways,” said Debbie McKee Demczyk, the dean of ORSIE.

“It offers real-world work experience where students can work in teams, problem solve, present their work, and participate in events. It’s even provided employment to two students! Faculty research leads have had the opportunity to contribute their expertise, and be a part of Precise ParkLink’s culture of innovation. We are honoured to work with you, and look forward to what’s next!”

Precise ParkLink is honoured to have been invited to Durham College’s 2019 Academic Kickoff and is looking forward to continuing its relationship with Durham College, ORSIE, and its students.

About Precise ParkLink

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When Precise ParkLink was founded more than 30 years ago, the company was a two-person field operation with a simple aspiration: to make a difference in the world of parking automation.

Since then, Precise ParkLink has grown into a nation-wide managed services and technology firm with more than 700 employees across Canada, a head office in Toronto, and 13 supporting offices across the country. 

But what sets us apart from other parking operators isn’t where we are, it’s what we are: a full-service parking solutions provider. One source for all your parking-related needs.

Precise ParkLink manages thousands of parking lots on behalf of hundreds of property owners. We supply cutting-edge technology and services to thousands of clients in the healthcare, municipal, commercial, institutional, and private sectors. 

Being a vertically integrated company puts us in a unique position. We can provide a level of management and technical integration that is best-in-class. Just ask the hundreds of clients to whom we’ve delivered cost-effective and customer-focused solutions over the years.


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